Gluten-free creamy pumpkin potage

By on November 22, 2022

Instagrammer Y_Chinatsu Ryori shares a secret to making the perfect homemade pumpkin potage without using fresh cream. This creamy and filling soup packed with goodness is a comforting and cozy dish you’ll turn to time and time again especially during cold winter months.

Ingredients: (2-4 servings)

1/4 pumpkin (small size)

1 potato

1/2 onion

150 ml water

150 ml milk

1 tsp. Consomme

30 grams butter

  1. Slice potato, pumpkin and onion in small bite-size pieces.
  2. Put them in a deep microwave-safe dish and seal with a plastic wrap.
  3. Set the Microwave to 600 watts and cook for 7 mins.
  4. Melt butter in a soup pot and mix in the potato, pumpkin and onion.
  5. Add water and consomme. Blend the mixture using a blender.
  6. Add the milk last.
  7. Serve hot. Garnish with minced parsley (optional)

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