Baby in Yamanashi diagnosed with coronavirus in serious condition.

By on April 2, 2020

Yamanashi Prefecture has reported its youngest person diagnosed with the new coronavirus.

The baby under the age of 1 was rushed to the Yamanashi hospital after the mother noticed something unusual. The baby who had a cardiopulmonary arrest, tested positive for coronavirus after being diagnosed with pneumonia. The baby is now in serious condition at the hospital’s intensive care unit.

How could the baby have been infected?

The baby’s dad and mom have no idea how their baby picked up the virus.

Professor Harue Okada of Hakuo University says, “It’s quite possible that the baby picked it up by chewing the hands after touching a virus-tainted object. Infants are highly vulnerable to the disease.” 

“It could also be that the parents have brought the virus into the house,” he adds.


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