How to make your own hand sanitizing gel at home.

By on March 3, 2020

Michi Sensei, a Feng Shui practitioner, tells people on her YouTube channel, how to make their own hand sanitizer using ethanol, which is the main active ingredient.

Ethanol alone works as a disinfectant but because it contains 60% (or more) alcohol, it could leave your skin dry when used frequently. You want to make a mixture that’s gentle and moisturizing to the skin safe for everyone in the family to use. The aloe vera was added to do just that. Tea tree oil has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties that treats dermatitis for added protection. So let’s begin.



  1. Using a rubber spatula, put all the aloe gel in a clean large plastic bag.  Set aside.
  2. Next, put about 2 tablespoons of ethanol in an empty container (250ml container). Mix in 20 drops of tea tree oil. Shake it for tea tree oil to dissolve.
  3. Divide aloe gel into half and transfer the first half into a plastic container.
  4. Add the other half to another container.
  5. When you’ve finished filling two containers with aloe gel, pour purified water into the two mixtures. It will turn cloudy.  Make sure your containers leave a little space.
  6. Shake the plastic containers about 20 times each and your solution will turn into a gel.


Ethanol for disinfection (about 2 tablespoons)  (Substitute in case you can’t find Ethanol Isopropyl  –   Buy it here.)

Aloe Vera Gel – Buy it here.

40 drops of Tea tree oil –   Buy it here.

1 Large Clean plastic bag  Buy at 100 yen stores

2 Plastic containers  (with dispenser caps)  Buy at 100 yen stores

1 Rubber spatula

Purified water


About Tammy Lee