Eggs – should you eat more or less?

By on December 20, 2018

In the ‘70s when the American Heart Association came out with a report indicating that egg consumption should be limited to reduce cholesterol intake, health-conscious homemakers started serving eggs to their families less and less. As a result, we were told by health experts that we should eat no more than 2-3 per week.

We all know that the yolks are the best-tasting part of the egg, but it was reported that they also invade the arteries. The health experts claimed that because eggs contain cholesterol, they also raise cholesterol levels in the blood.  True or false? False!

The Framingham Heart Study, for instance, proved that blood cholesterol levels have nothing to do with egg consumption. Another study conducted by 117,000 nurses and health practitioners found that there was no conclusive evidence as to the difference in the risk for coronary heart problems between those who ate less than one egg a week and those who consumed more than one per day.

The good news is that eggs have multiple health benefits.

1. The antioxidants found in egg yolks help prevent age-related eye problems and protects the health of the heart.

2. Egg yolks are also rich in choline that helps support the brain and nervous system by regulating the structure of brain cells and core component of the neuro transmitter helping convey messages from the brain through nerves onto the muscles.

3. Choline, found in egg yolks, is also an important nutrient that contributes to the fetal brain development which promotes healthy pregnancy. Two eggs are a source of 250 milligrams of choline or about half of the recommended daily intake for pregnant or breastfeeding women.

4. One egg is equivalent to only 70 calories but a source of high-quality protein which keeps you feeling full for longer.

5. Good for muscle strength, bones, immune system blood pressure and cell growth. Choline aids in the prevention of muscle damage.   Eggs are also a good source of vitamin D that helps strengthen the bones. What’s more, it also boosts the immune system and helps regulate blood pressure and cell growth.

For maximum health benefit, try eating organic eggs which are a little more expensive, but cage-free chickens produce eggs that are superior in protein and vitamin content.


Dawber T.R. et al. Eggs, serum cholesterol, and coronary heart disease. Am J of Clin Nutr. 36(4): 617-625. 1982

Hu Frank B. et al. A prospective study of egg consumption and risk of cardiovascular disease in men and women. JAMA, Vol.. 281, No. 15. 4/21/99

The world’s healthiest foods: Eggs. 5/28/09

About Samantha Mateo