Japan’s quest for the most popular creature. You otter vote!

By on July 21, 2018

Playful, adorable and very engaging to watch, Nihon Kawauso or Japanese river otters are possibly one of the most social creatures one will find at the Ise Sea Paradise located in Iseshima, Mie prefecture.

On July 21st, Ise Paradise park visitors will get the chance to vote for their favorite otter.   The river otter that gets the popular vote by 1st September, wins.

Vying for the crown are six rambunctious creatures of which two, Kirari and Hirari, happen to be offsprings of the 2017 winner Bubuzela that garnered 32,131 votes.  Bubuzela died shortly after the voting season.

Parentless Kirari and Hirari born on April 10, 2017 were put under the care of the park staff.

The two adorable river otters turned one year old this spring and are reported to be very healthy.

River otters have five webbed toes on the front feet and another five on the hind feet. Otters are very curious and friendly animals. Here at the park, these clawless animals shake hands with you through a little opening on the glass overlooking the otters’ home. 

Don’t forget to give him a high five when you visit!

Kawauso is Ehime prefecture’s official animal symbol.


■ Petting hours    9: 00 ~ 17: 00 (with some changes depending on season)

Admission fee   Adult: 1,600 yen   Elementary and middle school age children 800 yen    
3 years old and up : 400 yen
65 years old and up: 1,400 yen

Tel: 0596-42-1760
https: //ise-seaparadise.com/

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