The Best of Tokyo Rooftop restaurants

By on June 5, 2015
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Breeze of Tokyo
The summit of a busy building that houses shops and offices in the center of Tokyo’s financial district might not be your idea of a quiet evening meal but think again. Stunning views, window shopping and tantalising French cuisine all in one visit! Japanese Chef Kunihito Takaya’s Grilled Canadian lobster, Grilled Lamb Rack with Genovese sauce, Fresh fish meuniere are but some of the many reasons you will want to come back. With an impressive panoramic view and historic skyline, who wouldn’t?

Breeze of Tokyo

36th floor Marunouchi Building (Maru biru)
Marunouchi 2-4-1, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Tel. 03-5220-5551 (FREE WI-FI)

Nearest stations: 2 mins walk from JR Tokyo station 1 mins walk from Marunouchi Station 3 mins walk from Otemachi station  

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