Weariness and anxiety – top reasons why Japanese children refuse to go to school

By on October 4, 2023

In 2019, there were 612,496 reported bullying cases in public and private elementary, junior high, and high schools in Japan. That number rose by 68,563 from the previous year.

In the latest 2022 annual report, that number has further increased by 10.8 percent from the 2021 data or 681,498.

Absenteeism among elementary and junior high school students in Japan had hit a record high, with 105,112 elementary graders absent for 30 days (or more), indicating a 29.% increase. In the case of Junior high school students, the number rose to 193,936 absentees or 18.7 % of the total nationwide.

These results released Tuesday were from a study on problematic student behavior and school absenteeism by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology.

The staggering increase apparently reflects the COVID-19 pandemic that disrupted children’s routines and social life, ministry officials said.

As the numbers have shot up over the years, people wonder if it’s a reflection of the school system, rather than a problem with schoolmates.

As much as 51.8% of school children point to a sense of lethargy or anxiety as top reason for refusing to attend school. Disrupted routine, delinquency or a desire to play more were the reasons cited by some 11.4 % .


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