Bulky winter wear storage techniques when you don’t have enough closet space.

By on March 13, 2023

Spring has sprung and it’s time to put away those bulky winter wear that take up space you don’t have.

Some spring and autumn basic items can be used all year round, and summer clothes can also be used as inner wear, so you need to think of putting away bulky winter clothes first.

The worst thing many people do with winter items is store them in a suitcase without washing them first. When the next winter arrives, they take their sweater out of storage and find mysterious holes. Nano-sized insects trapped in fibers biting through clothes are to blame. That’s why washing is important.

Winter clothes made of wool and yarn are notorious for attracting molds. Molds grow within 1-2 days if left unattended. Laying your wool and yarn to dry out in the sun will stop molds from growing. Storing them in vacuum seal plastic bags create an airtight environment that effectively stops mold from entering and growing. If mold is already on the fabric, brush it off completely before you pop clothes in the washing machine.

Tip:  Wash wool and yarn in lukewarm water (30°C) in quick washing mode so they don’t lose shape. Use fabric softener only on second rinse  Then lay it out to dry in the sun, if possible.

Folding matters

Overwhelmed by a lot of advice on the proper way of folding clothes? Don’t. Watch an easy peasy way to do it. Click this video.
















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