Around 8.5% of Ox births in Japan are now aging baby boomers.

By on January 1, 2021

According to Japan’s Ministry of Internal Affairs, there are around 10.66 million people born under the Year of the Ox. The Chinese Ox Year calendar starts on the 12th of February 12th, 2021, a lunar new year day.

Ox babies represent 8.5 % of Japan’s population of 125.56 million (as of December 31, 2020).
Of the total number of Ox people, 5.17 million are men and 5.49 million are women.

National records reveal the first baby boomers born under the sign of the Ox in 1949, make up the largest group (2.11 million). They will turn 72 this year. Ox babies born 12 years later in 1973, dubbed the second-generation baby boomers (2.03 million) will turn 48 this year. The third-largest group made up of 1.49 million people born in 1961 will turn 60 this year.

Were you born in the Year of the Ox? Check it out here.

About Ted Tanaka