Costco’s third Chiba store opens this summer.

By on June 6, 2020

For families, life wouldn’t be complete without trips to Costco for groceries. But if Makuhari weekend shoppers don’t get there when the store opens, you could be stuck for hours waiting for a place to park, with unhappy kids in tow.

Well, here’s some good news. Costco is expanding in Chiba. Not before long, two new stores will rise in Kisarazu and another in Ichihara. Costco announced that given the coronavirus situation, the official opening date of its new Kisarazu Warehouse originally scheduled this month, has been delayed. Its new opening date could be anytime between this month and August 2020. Ichihara store has no official announcement yet but from the size of the construction site we have seen, it looks bigger than Makuhari and Kisarazu thus, will take more time to complete.

The estimated travel time by car from Tokyo tower to Kisarazu via Shuto expressway is 33 minutes or roughly the same time as going to Costco Makuhari.   For membership, email



〒 292 – 0007 Chiba Prefecture, Kisarazu, Kaneda Nishi-ku, Block 2

〒292-0007 Chiba, Kisarazu, 金田西特定土地区画整理事業区域内2街区1画地




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