You can now order the food you saw on a recipe video.

By on November 4, 2019

A new trend that’s gaining popularity all over the world is the rise of Cloud kitchens, a production unit with a shared kitchen space for the preparation of food that can be ordered online.

The growing comfort of getting your dream meals pronto is looking to be just as convenient for the busy millennial as it is to the operator.  Cloud kitchens are operated at shared kitchens thus, cutting overhead costs.

KitchenBASE is one such example. Starting this month, Japan’s first cloud kitchen KitchenBASE, (operated by Sentoen Co., Ltd.), will start offering collaborative menus with Tastemade Japan Co., Ltd., the online food portal (with over 250 million viewers) that produces a variety of recipe videos ranging from quick to gourmet meals targeting millennials who are almost always online and connected. Since Tastemade’s  online debut in 2012, a wide array of cuisine, from around the world through recipe videos, have gone viral.

Tastemade food will be sold using ordering platforms such as UberEATS or Demaekan. The food available to order will be distributed on Tastemade’s official SNS (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, TikTok, Pinterest).

Kitchen BASE  will cover areas within a 3-km radius from Naka Meguro, its homebase.
(Shibuya, Ebisu, Nakameguro, Yutenji, Gakugei University, Ikejiri Ohashi, Daikanyama area)
Ordering hours: 11: 30-15: 00/16: 00-21: 30
Closed on Mondays and Holidays (may be temporarily closed on Tuesdays)
KitchenBASE website:
Uber EATS:

Original recipe video:

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