Child cries incessantly at a family restaurant. Manager warns Japanese mom. Who’s right?

By on September 12, 2019

It happens more often that despite parents’ attempt to make their children behave at restaurants, they run around, cry, scream or act other types of crazy, often, for no reason.

When the manager of a Gusto Family restaurant spotted a mom with an incessantly crying child in tow,  he warns her, ” The noise is annoying for other customers.”

Crying endlessly is one of the things children do that many find annoying but others shrug off.

Because mom wasn’t told explicity to leave, she stayed at the restaurant. She takes her rant to Twitter and asks her followers who was right? Her  Japanese Twitter followers give their two cents:

“I think the manager isn’t wrong.”

There are other paying customers around. Keeping a child crying prevents them from enjoying their meals. It may be a family restaurant, but it is a public place. Just go out for a while and calm your child.”

“Have you ever had children?

If you are a parent with a child, you wouldn’t think so.
Even brothers and sisters with small siblings understand that situation.”

“I’m raising a child too. A crying child is unpreventable. They cry for no reason.
But the Japanese culture dictates “not to bother people”.  But I say, “bothering people” is part of human nature.


Dining of course should be a pleasurable experience and parents or guardians shouldn’t condone misbehaving kids since restaurant staff and other customers are clearly cringing, too.

One family restaurant manager opines, “We can not impose to customers to mind their manners. I think it is best left to the judgment of the customer.”

What can you really do to make sure kids don’t act up at a public place ?  Send us your thoughts to

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