Stroller Review: Rolling in Tokyo

By on July 10, 2015

A stroller or ‘baby car’ as it is called in Japan, is the most indispensable transporter you need to move around with your child in urban Tokyo.

Shopping for a stroller in Japan need not be difficult if you know exactly what you need.

Since not all families have the same needs, we suggest that you do your research by hitting the stores and taking these strollers for a spin.

We tested a few decent stroller brands for Tokyo use so you don’t have to.  Here’s what we think.


Tokyo-friendly strollers with combined lightweight convenience and safety features


White Label Mechakaru

White Label Mechakaru by Combi
Price ¥46,440
Weight 4.3 kg.
For babies 1 month – 36 months
(weight 15 kg and under)
Reclines 125°~170°
Dimensions in mm
(open) W465×D735~925×H950~1005
(collapsed) W465×D370×H905
Really light
-You can push and fold it with just a single hand.
-You can switch directions to protect the baby from direct sunlight.
-Storage compartment is small
-Height is lower than most strollers.
The wheels are thin and can easily get stuck on the street or escalator.
Waist and crotch belts are difficult to adjust.
The joints make a big snapping sound that could disturb a baby’s sleep.
It is difficult to push when you and the baby are facing each other.
It doesn’t come with a rain cover. It’s sold separately.


Citi cargo Premier by Graco

Citi Cargo Premier by Graco
Price ¥35,794
Weight 7.2 kg (with full features and head support)
For babies 1 month up to about 3 years old
(weighing 15 kg and under)
Reclines 125 ° ~ 160 °
Dimensions in mm
(open) W500×D845~890×H1070  (collapsed) W500×D375×H965

-It has a decent storage size.
-Pretty good value
-Good height
-Sleek design
-Good maneuverability
-The small desk comes handy when feeding or playing with toys.
-Not available in other colors.
-Slightly heavier than Mechakaru

‘safety first’ lifestyle baby carrier/stroller

quinny-zapp-2.0-maxi-cosi-cabrio-fix-baby-needs-store-cheras-klQuinny Zapp by Maxi Cosi
Price ¥39,000
Weight 13 kg
For use by newborns or 1-year old babies
(weighing up to 13 kg)
Dimensions 74x65x52 cm
-Can be used immediately by newborn babies
-Sharp 3-wheel maneuverability
-Larger and thicker tires offer more stability
-Baby is not easily exposed to dust due to its distance from the ground.
-The stroller’s height is convenient for parents who constantly check on the baby while dining at a restaurant.
-Comfy, well cushioned CabrioFix converts to a child seat.
-Spacious storage.

-Its generous 59-cm width becomes a problem when passing through narrow crowded spaces at convenience stores or coffee shops.
-Cushioned parts in the seat belt gets easily scratched even with normal usage.
-A 3-wheeler stroller could be a bit of a balancing act when taking escalators at high traffic train stations.
-This can be used up to 12 months, afterwhich you will have to upgrade.

Take note: Maxi Cosi that’s made in Japan is slightly
lighter than the same brand made in the Netherlands.


index1thule_chariot_cougar1_avacado_ski_sized_450x300Thule Chariot Cougar Avocado 2

Price : ¥129,600
Weight 34 kg (single seat)
For kids 1 year old up
Dimensions: 107x61x26cm
Aerodynamically designed
Maneuverable with adjustable suspension.
Multifunctional that works as a stand-alone stroller and a bicycle trailer.
Brake control works well in elevated terrains.
Built-in mesh protection
Comfy seat cushion.
Reclining seat.
Smooth ride even when making a curve.
Practical if you move with both a baby (on a bicycle) and a toddler (on the chariot).
Can be configured into a ski trailer with optional attachment.
Can be taken anywhere.
Good resale value because it’s long lasting.
Rather pricey.
Will not pass through narrow wickets at Tokyo train stations without carrying it.
It doesn’t fit in the trunk of an average sized car.
Most useful accessories such as rain cover, sled are not included and have to be bought separately.

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