ACV honey cocktail, anyone?

By on January 31, 2012
Photo © Elena Derevtsova
After I gave birth 2 months ago, I was so eager to get back in shape but finding time to exercise when I was forever in between feedings, diaper changes, cooking, laundry and trips to the grocery was tough.  My appetite has increased, my skin has gone dry, and the growing flab around the waist has no doubt contributed to some annoying depression.
One day, a friend  came to visit and I told her about my post-partum woes.  She recommended that I try some Honey ACV cocktail in between meals.  It is not your regular pleasure fix on a Friday night.  It’s simply a  cocktail of  2 tablespoons of Apple Cider Vinegar and a teaspoon of Honey Cocktail diluted in a half cup of water taken in between meals,  three times a day.  At first, I  had some difficulty looking for the product because most stores in Japan sold only rice vinegar.  After some more store hopping,  I finally found an imported one at Nissin Supermarket (¥630).

After I drank it continuously before meals for a period of 30 days, I noticed that my elimination in the morning has become more regular which is a good thing.  I also felt that my urge to eat big meals is gone.  I am now on my fourth month of drinking it and I already have lost 2 kilos.  Apparently,  the  acetic acid found in Apple Cider vinegar helps in weight loss by helping to keep blood sugar stable.

I now do regular stretches and exercises on the side  to make my regimen more effective.  I have never felt any lighter! My skin texture has also improved and my occasional winter hives from dry skin is gone.  

I have so much to thank this mighty drink for.  When the old generation called this simple health tonic a folk medicine, they were not lying.

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