Disney imagineers add a new entertainment at Cinderella castle from September.

By on June 3, 2024

There’s a reason Disneyland holds a special place in children’s hearts.  It’s unmistakably a place for joy, fantasy and magic.

It gets even more magical in September when Cinderella castle takes audiences to new heights with the launch of a brand new night time entertainment – Reach for the Stars!

Reach for the Stars is a dynamic projection mapping – not just your run-of-the-mill lighting effects – but a spatial programming technique that adds extra dimension, optical illusion, and  movement around the Cinderella castle leaving audience in awe.

The 20-minute show starts with the creation of a castle atop huge, majestic clouds. Tinkerbell appears out of nowhere and flies around freely, taking the guests to a dream-like experience.

A number of famous Disney and Pixar songs will play simultaneously with pyrotechnic effects showcasing beloved characters Tinkerbell, Hercules, Dumbo, Mary Poppins, Carl Fredriksen, Aladdin, Wally, Iron Man, Captain Marvel, Baymax, etc.

The 20-minute show will run one to two times every night from September 20, 2024.

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