Do you know how to say the different types of thermometer in Japanese?

By on February 23, 2016

The fever season is upon us. Taking a squirmy child’s temperature with just any mercury thermometer can sometimes give inaccurate results. Before you make a trip to the pharmacy, here’s how to find the best medical thermometer type for you and your family and how to say the ‘magic word’.

Rectal thermometer Chokuchō tai on kei
A person’s rectum is closest to the core of the body thus these thermometers are the most accurate. But since older children may not be comfortable using them, buy only if you have a child under 2.

In-ear thermometer Mimi-shiki tai on kei
These can be tricky to use correctly. A Canadian study found that parents using in-ear thermometers on their children failed to detect a fever 25% of the time due to poor aim. Pull up and back on your child’s ear so the sensor has a clear path to the eardrum.

Oral thermometer  Oraru tai-on-kei
Oral thermometers are the best choice for adults. Not only are they accurate, they’re also so much easy to use.

Underarm Wakinoshita ondokei
These models are good for children who may not be able to keep an oral thermometer in place. Just add one degree to the reading to compensate for the discrepancy created by the distance between their underam and the core of the body.

Temple or Temporal Artery Thermometer  Sokutōdōmyaku no ondokei

Studies haven’t confirmed that the technology used in these thermometers is accurate.


About Julie Wilson