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Interview - Lance Lee

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Lance Lee, founder of ICG Gymnastics and proud father of 4 boys, tells Tokyo Families readers a little bit about himself, and the positve philosophy that shines through in his classes.

Mr. Lee, please tell us a little bit about your story.

I came to Japan 32 years ago with the U.S. Air Force. After the service, I returned to Japan from the U.S. to work as an investment consultant with an investment firm. During my free time, I started teaching gymnastics, a sport that I love to teach to children at the Yokota Air Force base. By fluke this developed into a business and I established IGC Japan Ltd. I also contracted myself out (from IGC) as a motor coordination specialist to various international schools and taught physical education while simultaneously running a gymnastics (confidence-building) program for children. In 1980 I started another company that exported used CT scanners and MRIs from Japan.

How does the “I Can” philosophy that you teach at IGC follow through into the children’s daily lives?

In all of our classes, we have the children yell “I CAN!” at the beginning and at the end along with the “I CAN” mantra. Our main objective is to help children enhance their confidence levels by teaching basic gymnastics skills with strong emphasis on giving lots of praise and encouragement. We want the children to be able to muster their inner strength and confidence in any challenging situation throughout their lives. The “I CAN” mantra asks the children what they say when mommy or daddy asks them to eat all their food, put on their clothes by themselves, do homework, clean up their rooms, etc. The answer is uniform for each question - “I CAN!!!”

As a parent of 4 boys, what do you think is the secret to your family harmony?

My wife and I have agreed upon simple and clear rules that we teach our sons to follow for as long as they live in our home. As soon as each of our sons learned to talk, we did our best to instill self-love and confidence. From the infant years, we asked them who they love more than anyone in the world and they each learned that the correct answer is themselves. My sons are extremely close and so comfortable with each other that with each year I find that they are building a formidable bond and are the best of friends.

Do your students compete in competitions?

We used to have demonstrations where we invited Japanese gymnastics organizations to participate. Now our students learn simple routines that they can demonstrate to their parents on observation days or at the end of a session.

What do you think the difference is between encouraging a child to achieve their personal best and pushing too hard?

In our program, every child is given plenty of encouragement and praise throughout the class which we believe inspires him or her to perform at his or her best. In some classes with the older children, we might be stricter and “strongly” encourage the students simply because we know that he or she is capable of giving more effort. Our staff is trained to determine each student’s ability and level so that there is as smooth and transitional development of each gymnastics skill as possible.

Describe a perfect day for your family?

I believe that everyday is a blessing and hence a fantastic day for me and my family. We embrace our happiness and health and believe in the importance of learning from the challenges in life. I also try to keep in mind that it is not the quantity but the quality of time spent together that benefits the family as a whole.

At what age can children start at IGC, and how can people register for classes?

As soon as the child starts to walk is when he or she can start with the IGC program!!

There are three class types: Tiny Tots (walking to age 3), Beginners (3 to 6 year olds), and Advanced Beginners (6 to 12 year olds). Online registration is available for those interested ( Our staff will then contact you by email or by phone. Some classes are full with waiting lists so it is recommended to check the availability with us beforehand.

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