Feng Shui Myths

By on May 7, 2014
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246-feng-shui-hanging-crystal-ball-150x150Faceted Crystals
A lot of Feng Shui books suggest placing faceted crystals hung from a string in a variety of locations – at the end of a hallway, at the base of a staircase, above a toilet – to slow down or cleanse energy. While the movement and multi-sided nature of these crystals can indeed accomplish this, it is important to recognize that crystals function at their best when light shines through them. Placing them elsewhere creates wasted potential. If you want to fit into the best circumstances in your life, everything you use should be optimized as well. Put these crystals in sunny windows where they will bring moving rainbows into an otherwise static space. I don’t suggest hanging anything above in the air above a toilet – however, artwork on the wall above the tank draws your attention (and therefore energy) upwards. At the end of a hallway or bottom of a staircase, a light-toned mat or area rug or expansive artwork can slow things down.

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About Mark Ainley

Mark Ainley is a Contemporary Feng Shui Consultant and Emotional Stress Consultant living in Vancouver. A former 5-year resident of Tokyo, Mark consults with clients internationally to help them design living and work spaces in alignment with their goals. He also provides consulting in emotional stress management, as well as in the connection between facial structure and innate behavioural and communication patterns. He can be reached through his website: www.senseofspace.com and www.markainley.com.